Hustle, Hope & I..
We’re chasing, you and I, all of us.
We’re chasing the dreams, the ideal lifestyle, the perfect
skin or body, or just something.
We’re hustling, doesn’t have to be physically each day or
each time, but in our minds, we constantly are!
This constant run feels exhausting, it feels as though my
soul is slowly pulling away.
But I don’t want to leave, not yet at least is what I say to
I don’t know why I am not able to pull back from the hustle,
lean towards the calm, the peace and the silences.
I know for sure that all this chasing isn’t going to lead me
there, but I still go on.
I’m trying to keep the chase on, but then I know in this
dark tunnel that I am chasing and that I am engaged in this spiral. But I also
seek for the light, the light at the end of the tunnel.
The end of the tunnel is the light that I know I seek, but I
haven’t yet found the courage to go that way.
Today, right now all that I have is the slightest hope that
somewhere deep down I do have the courage, the courage to leave the rest behind
and walk towards the calm.
Until then, I pray we hold onto this hope, you and I, may we find the hope and keep it alive within.
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