Shades of enchantment!
Lying down under the majestic green soul, gently being touched by the breeze and tickled by the grass beneath, I look above. I look above at the blue sky, peeping sunlight, passing clouds, chirping birds and all the mesmerizing shades of life around me. The green of gardens, the blue of oceans, the yellow of sunlight, the silver of clouds, the white of satin, the red of lips and the black, the brown and the fair of skin. Isn't it magical, maybe like a warm-ecstatic spell? Does it not make you strive blissfully? Does it not make you feel the beauty in variance? Does it not make you dance with joy or fall in love? Shades are the glitter, the sparkle and the cherry to life. Otherwise its all black and white, maybe grey! Look around, feel the vibrance, feel the smell, feel the touch, feel the warmth, feel the love.. Embrace it all. Brown eyes or bruised eyes, red lips or torn lips.. A golden heart and the rainbow of l...